Crystal Nymph

Tied by Richard Cussons

Crystal Nymph
Manufacturer:  Kamasan B401
Size:  #16.
Black 8/0.
Metal gold bead 2.4mm, 3/32.
Lead wire underbody, Peacock herl.
Fine gold wire.
Brown cock hackle.
Krystal flash.
Bronze goose biots.

Tier's Comments:     -    A variation on the famous Prince Nymph, this fly uses a gold bead for added weight and attraction, and Krystal Flash in place of the white goose biot. Tied in a sizes 12-16 the crystal prince is an excellent fly for grayling, brown and rainbow trout on lake or river.


1. Put on the gold bead and wind on close turns of lead wire behind the bead to lock it in place and add weight.

2. Cover the lead wire with turns of thread then catch in two goose biots at the hook bend.

3. At the same point as the goose biots catch in 5cm (2 inches) of fine gold wire then two strands of peacock herl by their tips.

4. Pull the strands of peacock herl forward in line with the tying thread, wrap the herl round the thread a couple of times then twist them together to form a rope.

5. Wind the peacock herl and thread along the shank in close, touching turns up to the back of the bead to form an even body.

6. Take the gold wire and wind it in open turns over the herl in the opposite direction to that of the herl.

7. Take a soft-fibred brown cock hackle and catch it in behind the bead then wind on three turns. Take four strands of Krystal Flash and catch them in half way along their length.

8. Fold the Krystal Flash strands over to create eight strands running over the back of the fly and secure them in place with thread turns. Cast off the tying thread with a whip finish before trimming the Krystal Flash to length. Apply clear or black varnish to the thread behind the bead avoiding the hackle.

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